Wednesday, 19 October 2011

An interesting night

Wellity, wellity, wellity...

We hit up Mooseheads again on Monday night to play in the semi final of the band comp - or as Sam likes to call it, the corporate whoring of talented desperate musicians screaming for a venue. Or CWOTDMSFAV [see-what-dim-sef-fave] for short. And boy, he let them have it! You had to be there though so if you are anyone other than Dan, you wouldn't know. Cheers Dan!

Because it was a Monday and we are all super old and lame, we had to leave before the results were announced but I'm pretty sure Sam ensured that we will never be welcome back to Mooseheads again unless we go in disguise.

We did however get a chance to catch The Rebound Slapdown who were great! You really should get out and check them out. Just between you and me, I voted for them.

We didn't get any video of the night but here is a strikingly real re-enactment of events.

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October 08, 2022 at 02:19AM