Thursday, 30 January 2014

January 30, 2014 at 09:15PM

Broke? Bored? Bereft of bacchanal? Here is a fun way to wile away the hours with promise of great reward! Caption comp! Best caption for this photo will win not one, not two, but three free gigs! That's a grand total of 21 bands! If each band plays 6 songs, that's 126 songs! The winner gets entry to a Shananigans Entertainment event Shanannigans 7, who are delivering their 7th outing of awesome at The Basement, Mother's Cake at the ANU Bar with supports from The Khalasar and Renegade Peacock, plus Band Express's show at the Magpies in Civic featuring Time & Weight and Hearing Voices! Entries close midnight 11/02/14 and will be judged by Ad and mucus. It's hard to make Ad laugh, but when you do he starts to snort a little bit and that makes him laugh more. Then I laugh at him, which some times makes me blow a little snot bubble out of my nose. Sam is usually just having a nap when this happens. We'll leave him out of this shall we? So make me SB and win some fun!

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October 08, 2022 at 02:19AM