Friday, 22 February 2019

Hence the Testbed

A belated but none the less hearty thanks to all who came out to Shananigans 12 - The Big-Kids Party! (Shaggs' 40th!! bday bash). Thanks for making it such a great night! We had a hell of a time soaking in all the killer acts and as you can tell by the belated nature of this post, have only just recovered. Triple thumbs up to everyone who made it all possible. Don't ask where we got the extra thumb though - we still aren't sure.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

February 09, 2019 at 11:40AM

Thanks to all who have grabbed their tickets already. MVP's the lot of ya! But there are only 4 chances left to stick-it-to-da-man and keep your hard earned 'booking' and/or 'I didn't get around to organising a ticket in time' fee in your pocket where it belongs. You'll join the MVP list and you can spend the spoils on pinball and popcorn chicken! See you all soon!

Monday, 4 February 2019

February 04, 2019 at 10:10PM

Like saving money? Enjoy a good time? If you ignored both these questions because you were out having fun in a frugal manner then this deal is for you! We have a few tickets left for Shananigans 12 - The Big-Kids Party! (Shaggs' 40th!! bday bash)! Grab 'em now and you'll be saving a whopping 16.66667% off the price that the less organised party animal will be paying at the door. If the tickets were $5,999,998.80 you would be saving a cool million bucks! Crazy huh? If you do want to save that sort of cash, we can sort you out with 240,000 tickets (we'll even round it up for you!), but we'll also sell them in singles for just $25 a pop. Get in contact with us and we'll sort you out. 🤟😀 See you there nice and early for some Mario Kart action!

October 08, 2022 at 02:19AM