Monday, 23 June 2014

Hence the Testbed

What a night of entertainment! Thanks to everyone who made it out to The Basement on Friday. You really were a great crowd and all the bands had a blast playing for you! Thanks to Self Is A Seed for making the trek and playing an absolute killer set. Can't thank you enough guys! The Khalasar for proving that it's never to late to be mind blowingly awesome. And to Tundrel for pre lifting the roof off the place! Pretty sure they owe the pet store a new fish tank or two. Cheers to Trent for being the hottest bearded door wench we saw all night; Lance, Simone and all the bar crew for making sure the beer was cold and plentiful, and Kurt for getting all the sounds playing nice together! We will catch you all next time!

Friday, 20 June 2014

June 20, 2014 at 09:54PM

Tundrel kicking it off like it's new years 1999!

Hence the Testbed

Cancel the dog, put your mail in a kennel, lock the oven and don't forget to turn off the doors because it Self Is A Seed time! See you at The Basement for some tunes and brews!

Friday, 13 June 2014

If you haven't already popped over to the event page and ticked the 'going' box you might want to get on that pretty soon. There are only so many 10" hot dogs to go around and if we don't know you are coming, you might just miss out. The have bacon... ... and cheese!

from Hence the Testbed


Monday, 2 June 2014

Hence the Testbed

A massive thank you to everyone who came out on Sunday to revel in some live tunes. Dylan Jay Hekimian was as inspiring as ever, Stu Tyrrell had the kids up and dancing and Haley and Pete were as on voice as ever and even had a guest appearance from the battle weary Jason from Tundrel, who gave it as good as he did the night before! As always a big thanks to Kurt for looking after the sound and Jasper behind the bar for looking after our taste buds! Next up we are lucky enough to be sharing the stage with the incredible Self Is A Seed from Sydney. 20th of June at The Basement. It's going to be a cracker of a night so make sure to mark it in the calendar!

June 02, 2014 at 08:05PM

A little bit of yesterdays action captured by Chantelle. Cheers!

from Hence the Testbed


October 08, 2022 at 02:19AM