Thursday, 30 January 2014

January 30, 2014 at 09:15PM

Broke? Bored? Bereft of bacchanal? Here is a fun way to wile away the hours with promise of great reward! Caption comp! Best caption for this photo will win not one, not two, but three free gigs! That's a grand total of 21 bands! If each band plays 6 songs, that's 126 songs! The winner gets entry to a Shananigans Entertainment event Shanannigans 7, who are delivering their 7th outing of awesome at The Basement, Mother's Cake at the ANU Bar with supports from The Khalasar and Renegade Peacock, plus Band Express's show at the Magpies in Civic featuring Time & Weight and Hearing Voices! Entries close midnight 11/02/14 and will be judged by Ad and mucus. It's hard to make Ad laugh, but when you do he starts to snort a little bit and that makes him laugh more. Then I laugh at him, which some times makes me blow a little snot bubble out of my nose. Sam is usually just having a nap when this happens. We'll leave him out of this shall we? So make me SB and win some fun!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

January 28, 2014 at 08:04PM

So my cunning plan in the last post may not have worked as cunningly as I first envisioned. Facebook 1 - The little guys 0. Round two! Post a picture of a poster and see if they let anyone see it. This one is for a killer line up at Magpies in Civic on the 22nd of Feb. A new venue for us and should be a lot of fun! Oh and if you didn't catch the previous post you should have a squizz down below. Or to the right. Or left. It all depends on what mood the robotic formatting monkeys are in I guess.

Hence the Testbed

Was great to see everyone out at The Phoenix on Sunday. We had a killer time as always. We've got some audio from the night that we might show you if it passes our rigorous screening process that may or may not include darts. Next up we are down the The Pot Belly Restaurant on the 31st of Jan with Fossil Rabbit and Moon Striders. Should be another great night of live original music so get yourself on down and grab a few cold pints with us! I'll chuck the event details in the comments because it's a way to trick facebook to get a few more of you to see our posts without selling our kidneys. Cheating, or working the system? Hmmm, Working the System could be a good band name. Dibs!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Hence the Testbed

Have I got a deal for you! You love great music. You've found your new favourite band, Mother's Cake. You really want to see them live. Only problem is that they are from Austria. :( You COULD get a plane ticket to Austria for $1200. You COULD try to converse with Austrian cabbies, hotel staff and waiters as you bumble your way around a foreign land confusing all and sundry with your thick Australian accent. You COULD pay a fortune for accommodation, hookers and antibiotics. You COULD pay $40 to get a ticket to their show. Or... could grab a ticket from ourselves, Renegade Peacock or The Khalasar for the low, low price of $15. Yep, that's right, $15! By my calculations that is a net saving of around $1685!!* That's a lot of Chicken McNuggets! So let any of the bands know if you want to grab a ticket as the price is set to sky rocket on the door the night of Feb 19th to a brutal $20. You can use the extra $5 to buy your favourite Austrians a good old Australian brew as I'm pretty sure they don't have beer over there. *hooker quality may vary total price

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

And this one is going to be a corker too! February is looking pretty special!

from Hence the Testbed


October 08, 2022 at 02:19AM