Tuesday, 17 January 2012

It's come to this...

We are pimping ourselves out. We need money for drugs strings and leads and sheet music stands and all that bandy type stuff. So this is where you, the savvy music connoisseur enter the picture. For the paltry sum of $99.97*, GST included, you get a live band at your next party, bbq, function, wake, bar mitzvah, telethon, marathon, questacon, beer opening ceremony, massive credit card debt celebration or any other event you can think of!**

We supply
  • guitars, bass and drums
  • amps
  • PA
  • 3 noise making specialists trained in their respective fields to operate aforementioned equipment
  • questions as to the whereabouts of the closest power outlet
 Our rider consists of
  • 2 beers
  • a place to park the van
  • roughly 84c  worth of electricity
  • people ready to have some fun
Interested awesome people should contact us by deciphering the devious captcha style contacts page and dropping us a line. Alternatively hit us up on the old facebook. Please don't mix that one up and hit us in the face with a book.***

Offer valid until May 31st, 2012 or until stock runs out so get in quick!

* All locations outside the A.C.T. or reasonable driving distance there from will incur a small $30,000 incidentals fee.
** kids parties incur a 3 kilo bag of lollies surcharge, payable in advance
*** truly horrible attempts at humour aside, the us does not including Sam. He's got it coming quite frankly

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

A lot of people ask about our name

As a consequence; for this reason
- a stiff breeze and hence a high windchill
In the future (used after a period of time)
- two years hence they might say something quite different
From here
- hence, be gone

Testbeds allow for rigorous, transparent, and replicable testing of scientific theories, computational tools, and new technologies.

The term is used across many disciplines to describe a development environment that is shielded from the hazards of testing in a live or production environment. A testbed is used as a proof of concept or when a new module is tested apart from the program/system it will later be added to. A skeleton framework is implemented around the module so that the module behaves as if already part of the larger program.

We are experimental but want to deliver a cohesive whole to the listener. Our experiments can get pretty out there so for this reason, we trial stuff first. Hence the Testbed. Also it's a good google search 'cause there isn't much competition. That's probably the main reason truth be told. In fact, all that other stuff is most likely a convenient story.

October 08, 2022 at 02:19AM