Thursday, 27 November 2014

♫ Out of the Basement - Hence the Testbed. Listen @cdbaby

The price of the digital version of our live CD has just dropped to $5 on CDBaby. Dive in! Don't like CDBaby? You can also find it on pretty much any digital distribution platform you care to name. If you do choose to listen to it on Spotify however, could you please play each song about 1000 times so we can hit the elusive and lofty goal of a 1 cent return?

from Hence the Testbed


Monday, 17 November 2014

Hence the Testbed

Saturday night was a blast! Both Tundrel and The Archaic Revival kicked some serious tail at The Phoenix to an awesome crowd. We had so much fun in fact that ourselves and Tundrel are doing it again at Transit Bar with the very tasty Alithia on December the 14th! This will be our last gig for the year and our unofficial official Xmas shin dig, so get on down for some good time holiday vibes.

Monday, 10 November 2014

November 10, 2014 at 12:59PM

Big cheers to all that made it out on Saturday night! The Veil were in fine form and there was a really good vibe the whole night thanks to all the kick arse staff at The Basement. If you were one of the unfortunate ones who missed out, get along and check out The Veil as soon as you can. Epic stuff! Next up, and our second last show for the year is at The Phoenix this Saturday the 15th of November with our good mates Tundrel and our new partners in crime The Archaic Revival! It's sure to be a big one so make sure to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after the show. Choice of fluids is entirely up to you but may I suggest cold tasty ones that make you feel good. Catch you Saturday!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Hence the Testbed

Your handy check list for this evening 1. Put on pants ❐ 2. Head to The Basement ❐ 3. Enjoy tunes, food and beverages ❐ This handy check list bought to you by Hence the Testbed, The Veil, and Kevs BBQ burgers of awesome - the official super food of champions!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

The Veil

Have a listen to this! Good stuff huh?! You can catch The Veil at The Basement this Saturday the 8th of November on their album launch tour - and we might just have a couple of new tunes to show off as well. See you there!

from Hence the Testbed


October 08, 2022 at 02:19AM