Saturday, 24 March 2012

The Pot Belly had us

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to The Pot Belly, was a blast of a night! ?=? caused some controversy when one of the friendly local lasses wanted to introduce the band. There was a little problem with pronunciation - but after everything was smoothed over the band went on to blow everyones socks off. Not bad for a first gig! It was also indescribably awesome to see Fat Controller get up and do their stuff. A days notice and not jamming together for over a year an a half really agrees with the guys, they sounded amazing! Cheers fellas!

I hope you all had as much fun as we did and we'll see you all next time!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Surprise gig!

Friday the 23rd of March, 2012 we will be heading down to The Pot Belly to have a bit of a strum. It's the gig that everyone forgot... until today. So lets prove all those fuddy-duddies who say careful planing and a long term strategy are the keys to success wrong and have a spontaneously good time! We've got a host of mystery guests showing up and they would be well disappointed not to see you there. Think about it - this day will never happen again in any of our lifetimes so don't be the only one pining for what could have been on your deathbed.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Gigs, gigs, gigs

So, once again, somehow Sam got his hands on the gig booking reins and managed to double book us for the 10th of March, 2012. First stop will be The Basement where we will play our first set at 9pm. Our friends The Bastard Sons of Liberty and TOXICMEN will be there as well doing a clinic on how to go fucking mental on stage and blow peoples minds. Not to be missed.

Sam is then going to rush off and leave us to pack up all the stuff by ourselves so he can play with Mal down at The Pot Belly. The plan then is to meet him down there around 10:30pm to play another set. It's so crazy it just might work. We are going to do 2 different sets so those of you lucky enough to catch both shows will get different songs at each. Yay for content!

Then on the 12th of March, 2012 we are at The Phoenix with Heidegger, Chris Canham and Konrad Lenz. Should be an awesome Canberra birthday night. If anyone manages to make it to all three shows, I'll get you a special, one of a kind tour t-shirt made up.

October 08, 2022 at 02:19AM